Synopsis of Against The Sky Supreme
Step into the boundless cosmos of Against The Sky Supreme, a universe divided into opposing realms that pulse with celestial tension and transcendent aspirations. The narrative unfolds within a dual-structured universe: the outer universe, ruled by demonic forces of chaos and darkness, and the inner universe, a mosaic of distinct realms, including the Realm of Gods, the Eternal Realm, and the Mortal Realm.
In this intricate hierarchy, the Tianfa Continent—a mortal world within the vast Jiutian Xin Region—orbits like a shining jewel amidst a cosmic symphony of stars and worlds. Towering above are the nine immortal emperors, each reigning over star fields layered across the heavens. Their influence spans unfathomable distances, yet even their celestial dominion pales before the enigmatic realm of the Purification of Immortal Gods—the ultimate pinnacle of existence. Here, the divine essence is refined, and only the most aspirational beings dare to transcend their limits.
Against The Sky Supreme is a tale of cosmic conflict and ambition, where gods and demons vie for supremacy and individuals dare to challenge their destinies. It’s a story of realms in turmoil, stars in resonance, and a universe alive with power struggles and the desire for ascension.
As celestial forces collide and the balance of power shifts, the saga becomes an anthem of hope, resilience, and boundless ambition. Will the heroes of this realm defy the odds and reach the ultimate heights of divinity, or will they be swept away in the tides of cosmic enmity? Discover a world where the battle for supremacy shapes the very fabric of existence in Against The Sky Supreme.