Synopsis of Tales of herding gods
In the mysterious Disabled Elderly Village, a group of nine enigmatic elders raise a young man named Qin Mu, passing down extraordinary skills and knowledge. Life takes a strange turn when the cows Qin Mu tends to start speaking, revealing that the land of Daxu—once abandoned by the gods—is teeming with hidden wonders and dangers. This land, marked by strange, otherworldly forces, becomes the backdrop for Qin Mu’s journey as he begins to explore the depths of its mysteries.
As Qin Mu ventures further into this ominous world, he encounters a series of surreal and perilous phenomena: demons descending from the skies, dancing bones of fallen deities, protective dragon skeletons, and enormous ships that tow the sun itself across the heavens. Despite the overwhelming odds and unknown forces, Qin Mu’s unshakable courage and the wisdom passed down by his nine mentors push him to uncover the secrets of this forsaken world.
Armed with an unmatched skill set and an indomitable ambition, Qin Mu strives to leave his mark on Daxu and reshape the world around him. His journey is one of adventure, self-discovery, and battle, where each new challenge shapes him further into a formidable force.
Discovery and Adventure: Qin Mu’s journey into the mysterious land of Daxu opens doors to an ancient world full of strange creatures, divine relics, and hidden knowledge.
Legacy and Mentorship: The wisdom and skills imparted by the nine elders are crucial to Qin Mu’s growth and success in the dangerous world he navigates.
Ambition and Power: Qin Mu is driven by a fierce ambition to change the world and assert his own legacy, making him an unstoppable force despite the challenges ahead.
Watch online full: Tales of Herding Gods – Chinese anime, donghua