Synopsis I Am a Great God:
“I Am a Great God” is an enthralling animated series produced by China Film Nian Nian, featuring a talented voice cast including Cao Xupeng, Chang Rongshan, and Liu Mingyue. Adapted from the beloved Shengshi Kaman comic, the series combines heartfelt storytelling with stunning visuals, captivating audiences of all ages.
The plot revolves around Shi Jiang, an extraordinary seven-year-old prodigy with a mysterious affliction—his body ages at an unnatural pace. Determined to restore his normal life, Shi Jiang embarks on a daring journey into the mystical fairyland. Alongside him is a powerful deity dwelling within him, whose guidance and strength play a pivotal role in navigating the perils of this fantastical realm.
As Shi Jiang battles challenges and unravels secrets, I Am a Great God weaves a compelling tale of resilience, discovery, and the extraordinary bond between mortal and divine. This adaptation offers fans of the comic a fresh perspective while inviting new audiences into its richly imagined world.